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10 Best Free Application For MAC OS X

CLICKTECHNO - For Mac OS X users must be familiar with the following applications which entered the top 10 best free apps in april. Maybe some of you have installed and use in everyday life, if not maybe you could be a reference to add it in your Mac Book. Here are the top 10 most popular free apps are downloaded for MAC OS X. For iPhone users, you can read this too 10 best app for iPhone iOS.

1. OS X Yosemite

os x yosemite - clicktechno
Applications offered by Apple for its loyal users providing ease in processing the notes and daily activity schedule. It is also equipped with functions that can be associated with IOS, so that the users of iOS and OS-X can more easily move files.

2. Kindle For OS X
kindle for mac os - clicktechno

The application made by Amazon that lets you do not have a Kindle-pad to be able to read various e-book available and provided by amazon easier.

3. Xcode Developer Tools

xcode for mac - clicktechno
To your developers MAC OS-X users must already be familiar with this application, because surely use it in any of your work process, which facilitates its users make it preferable to other similar applications.

4. Turbo Tax 2014
turbotax for mac - clicktechno

This application is made by Intuit to facilitate your work related to the financial, although there is still an artificial version of last year but its still a lot of applications because of the level of stability which has been proven and capable than the next version which is still in the process of development.

5. Microsoft Remote Desktop App For MAC OS X

MS remote desktop - clicktechno
Microsoft's application has become one of the favorite MAC OSX users to business problems and because these applications are free to make ogled by the OSX users.

6. Instagram Desktop

instagram desktop for mac - clicktechno
With the release of Apple iPhone 6 some time ago make its users more fond of uploading to the internet via social networks Instagram, to meet their harsat then instagram desktop applications has become very in demand to install and use because it simplifies the process of its use.

7. Slack Business

slack for mac - clicktechno
As with other applications which use MAC OSX in the business world is very common, so many business applications are available in the form of free or paid. Slack Slack made in this industry is also one of the alternatives that you can choose to support your business processes. In addition to its free application is also easy to use.

8. Memory Clean

memory clean for mac - clicktechno
Memory clean is an application for cleaning your RAM and also smoothed. This application is similar to CCleaner in Windows OS made by Microsoft. This application is useful if you book MAC experienced little interference in the process.

9. Microsoft One Note for OS X
one note for osx - clicktechno

One Note is similar to Apple's own Yosemite, but it did not seem a bit out of the OSX users who use Microsoft's application, perhaps because it is easy to operate and also fiturny more focused on its primary function.

10. The Unarchiver
the unarchiver for mac - clicktechno

Every work certainly requires an application to tidy up and make the files become easier in the store. When the windows are many users using WinRAR then on OSX seems more famous The Unarchiver to open and manage any existing applications to be grouped. [INZ]

source: http: //
10 Best Free Application For MAC OS X 10 Best Free Application For MAC OS X Reviewed by Izuka on Wednesday, May 06, 2015 Rating: 5

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