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SEO TIPS : Adding Related Article in blog

related article - related post - more - read more

Tips SEO for this time is here, some important point in improving your blog but many people didn't use it, here there is , Related Article. Yes, it Related Article, why? because from Related Article your visitor can sit and take more time when visits your blog.

If your visitor fell need more information about something he/she search they can take a look on your list which appear in your blog in under your last word post that is Related Article. How to add related article ? you can added it under every post.

by the way, you absolutely can change the name of that page, you can use some phrase like:
-  Hi, you may see another post here...
-  Another related article..
-  You can find more here..
-  What you search is here..


oh, yes the using of related article is :
1.  visitors can take more time in your blog
2.  easier for visitor search article in your blog
3.  your article may read by visitor again(if they forgot if had read the article ^_^)
4.  increase your SEO friendly
5.  make your web or blog more cool ^_^

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SEO TIPS : Adding Related Article in blog SEO TIPS : Adding Related Article in blog Reviewed by Izuka on Tuesday, April 30, 2013 Rating: 5

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