domain costume is a way to make our blog more beautiful by using your own domain address eg from be I just like laukan on this blog with a custom domain Blogger provide services to turn it into a top-level domains directly addressable using. Com. Net. Org. Information and others. Way to change or customize the blog address into the top level domain will be discussed a bit here. Used to be that buying a domain from the domain and website hosting service provider, there are a lot of times I use services to about domain alone.
1. First go to the page, if you do not already have a account you can sign up through this link
2. After selecting a domain name then check the domain, you will be redirected to the page to log in, and where the point you register in advance on the previous step, after logging in, then you will go to product selection page like this
3. In the category just select Buy a domain / Domain Registrasion, type the name of the desired domain and click check availability
4. After emerging results will appear which can and which ones can not buy for you, you can select buy and click add to cart
5. then you will enter the domain configuration page, select the update cart
6. after it was entered on the order confirmation page, then select the check out
7. then select the payment method can use BCA / Mandiri Bank or Paypal / Internet Banking, after it is completed
you can sign up through this link, register through here just so referall ya let me, thank you
1. First go to the page, if you do not already have a account you can sign up through this link
4. After emerging results will appear which can and which ones can not buy for you, you can select buy and click add to cart
5. then you will enter the domain configuration page, select the update cart
6. after it was entered on the order confirmation page, then select the check out
7. then select the payment method can use BCA / Mandiri Bank or Paypal / Internet Banking, after it is completed
then you get the billing right
you can sign up through this link, register through here just so referall ya let me, thank you
Buy domain of masterweb for blogger
Reviewed by Izuka
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
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